Friday, May 30, 2008

this is sad

I was just on myspace and was randomy clicking around on things. I clicked on some girls profile and noticed she had not logged in since September. I started reading her comments and it was all "i miss you" "you are in a better place now" etc... I went through a couple of pages. It was so crazy. It's like September 9th a comment from someone saying Yes this wekeend we need to hang out. Then a day later the comments come in saying how she can get through it, i heard what happened you are so strong I know you will make it. Then a couple day later people saying how she is in a better place. It is really sad and I really wanted to email one of the people and ask what happened but I figured it would not be appropriate. But it's crazy to think that a myspace page could be a memorial of sorts, and in a ways you can always see her and everything. It's crazy, sad, and interesting.


Is it bad that I currently am really excited that I set up wireless in my house and I can sit in my lovely gold chair in my room and facebook people?

Monday, May 19, 2008

I graduated college.
Look out world.