Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Harding Township is the worst place ever. I've been in cars pulled over there all the time and there never is a legit reason.
Last night on my drive home from Nicole's I was drving through lovely Harding Township. At the light I turned right, the cop was at the red side of the light trying to go straight. After I turned passed him I saw him go on red and start to turn around. Though he wasn't behind me I thought oh maybe he just turned around to sit on the side of the road. Then all of a sudden, wam bam he is behind me. Doing the cat and mouse thing where they get right behind you and then let you go and make room then they get behind you again. Now I have had not one drink tonight I was going the exact speed limit so there is nothing this cop can get me for. As I'm about to leave his town he pulls me over. Upon asking me for my license and where I'm heading he informs me that the little light ubove my license plate is out. Now first of all I have two little lights above it so if one is out then you can still see my plate and it is not a big deal. I say wow I didn't know that do you mind if I look and he didn't seem to happy. Upon getting out of my car I walk to the back and there is not light out, he says oh you must have a short because it was out before, but I also pulled you over cause it looked like you hit the yellow line and I wanted to make sure everything was ok. So basically it's all bullshit and he followed me and couldn't find a reason to pull me over so he made one up and got caught. He then shines his light on my tattoos an has me explain what they are. Apparently having Edgar Allen Poe on my arm could make me part of some crazy gang. He then sees TS' exhaust in my backseat and I haveto explain that and he checks to make sure my front windows aren't tinted. Just trying really hard to get me.Hes going to run my stuff but instead talks to the other cop who arrived behind my car. He comes back and tells me I can go, I say he still has my stuff and he says whoops it was in my back pocket. And then he tells me to go get that light fixed and be good.

Harding Township - a place where you can feel safe because god knows I hate being behind a car that has a light that may or may not have a short over their licence plate. Don't worry. The police will take care of it.