Sunday, November 30, 2008

This is not cool.

Doing metal horns is not cool. No matter how badass you think you are or metal or like yea bro this is ragin and I'm taking a picture with my homies. No. Metal horns do not work. Learn to pose. No more metal horns, who is with me?

this is happiness.

Friday, November 28, 2008

this is badass.

These two really nice girls from the UK made this for me. I'm international baby.

Thoughts on a Friday afternoon in Gillette, NJ

1. I spend basically all my money on alcohol.
2. My hair is longer then it has been in about 8 years.
3. I've owned this French Connection Blazer for about 3 years, and finally started wearing it. It's badass.
4. 30 Days of Night is a pretty gnarly movie.
5. The only movies that scare me are exorcism movies.
6. Due to me not liking family things and all that stuff, I did not attend thanksgiving and it was pretty fun not going.
7. In the past 2 weeks I've cleaned my room everyday, just arranging and rearranging things nonstop.
8. The Killers song "This is Your Life", is absolutly sick.
9. Getting really intoxicated and setting your boxers on fire (while wearing them) is not smart.
10. I finally had to do a 'stop', 'drop', and 'roll' the other day. It was interesting.
11. I'm addicted to Ebay, I keep selling things and getting paid through paypal, but then I use that balance to bid on stupid things. I don't need power ranger book ends. Whoops.
12. I need an oil change, 7,000 miles over and counting.
13. I wish Pizza was healthier and free so I could just live on it.
14. I hate Tequilla.
15. I really fucking hate tequilla.
16. I think I'm going to take acting lessons.
17. I have this weird scar that randomly showed up between my two fingers.
18. Coaching basketball is pretty fun.
19. If I don't do something I'm amazed by in time for my 25th birthday I'm going to kill myself.
20. Michael Jackson is so badass, it sucks he is a crazy.
21. I saw an AFI pillowcase on Ebay, I need it.
22. Every Time I Die kills it live.
23. I want In n Out grilled cheese really bad.
24. All I want to do is be in a van for the next couple months of my life.
25. My laptop is slowly dying, I need to get my mac really bad.
26. <3

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

frat boy 473 up, 277 down
any college age, needle-dick, weed-smoking asshole who attends college only to party and flunk out. may use roofies to rape women, and finds destroying the property of others an enjoyable passtime. recognizable by

1) caucasian ethinicity
2) sleeveless t-shirts
3) inane, misogynistic babble
4) the ginormous SUVs (usually F-150s or Suburbans) with jacked-up wheels they drive, especially with stereos blaring rap or metal
5) visors, especially if worn upside-down, backwards, or a savory combination of the two
6) excessive use of the word "faggot"
7) possession of 40 oz beers, cigarettes, marijuana, and/or beer kegs (full-size or pony). especially alcohol stolen from the local grocery store (see beer run).
8) membership in a fraternity. (optional)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I really get mad when people laugh and clap their hands. It's fucking lame. Especially when you are in a movie, who the fuck are you applauding THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU! If you are at a stand up comedy club then fine but if you are in a movie theater do not clap as you laugh. Also do not rock back and forth like you are Michael J Fox and do not look around to make sure people are laughing to and are in on the joke that was just said on the big screen that you can't miss, so if you are not in on the joke you are a fool.
Do not clap and laugh at a movie.

I was in Ithaca, NY yesterday and bought Michael Jackson's Thriller on Vinyl, its to badass.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Internet Tough Guys

STELLAR988 (7:02:28 PM): christina has a bf dnt talk 2 her
daygreen99 (7:03:56 PM): WHAT
daygreen99 (7:03:58 PM): what
STELLAR988 (7:04:50 PM): christina has a bf so I'd appreciate it if u delted this sn
daygreen99 (7:05:21 PM): yer the one im'ing me there buddy
STELLAR988 (7:05:43 PM): I'm just letting ukno
STELLAR988 (7:05:50 PM): delte this sn
daygreen99 (7:05:54 PM): or what
STELLAR988 (7:07:21 PM): u really dnt want problems
STELLAR988 (7:07:39 PM): come 2 christinas if u waanna see the or what
daygreen99 (7:08:30 PM): 1. i don't talk to her
2. i dont even remember where she lives
3. don't try and be big on the interenet or anything like that, cause that doesn't work. i'm stronger and faster then you could ever imagine
daygreen99 (7:08:58 PM): so you go your way and dont im me and i think things will be pretty ok then
STELLAR988 (7:09:19 PM): hahaha
STELLAR988 (7:09:28 PM): how would ukno if uve never seen me
STELLAR988 (7:09:36 PM): cmon
STELLAR988 (7:09:45 PM): like is education not a big thing u u
daygreen99 (7:09:51 PM): i don't need to know, i just know what im capable of.
STELLAR988 (7:09:52 PM): or do u lack common sense
STELLAR988 (7:10:12 PM): ye
STELLAR988 (7:10:22 PM): and ikno what my guns cappable of
daygreen99 (7:10:22 PM): you're talking about education and you have the worst grammer skills ever, i don't realy see what the point in you talking to me is
STELLAR988 (7:10:28 PM): fuck off
daygreen99 (7:10:33 PM): hahahah oh you're priceless
daygreen99 (7:10:38 PM): then dont im me and we will be fine

come on, is trying to be big on the internet still popular? cause last time I checked i can back everything up.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Got back from the Uk. It was really good times. You Me at Six were really great guys. For a two week tour it was great how fast everyone became friends. I really liked the UK and would not mind living in some area of it at some point in time. I discovered the amazingness of Cheese and Onion sandwiches which are a truly delicious treat.
I came home and slept alot and two days later left for a two week tour which I'm currently on. Hopefully we will finish the tour but who knows it is a very interesting tour.
I like being gone for good amounts of time from home and seeing all different places, I wouldn't trade it for the world, though at times it gets annoying representing another persons band and not doing my own band again. I don't like missing my friends that much but for the most part I can deal.

It's only 2:33 here and Eric and I are already sipping on some vodka to deal. I need to figure out other aspects of life real fast though. Putting on a happy face only goes so far when you are really a mess about a lot of things inside. I can keep going and saying jokes and being sarcastic and ignoring everything so no one knows that there are some actual problems inside with Nick Joyce but let's be real I have to figure out some stuff.

I saw Zach and Miri make a porno before I left and for some reason some parts in it made me think about some things. That and all other things.

Obama won the election and I really believe that something good will happen. I think it is a changing of the tides and that the youth is starting to pay attention. I obviously am in the youth grouping but it seems other youth are taking notice and trying to make a difference. Hopefully finally racism, homophobia, and ignorance in the homeland, will change. We shall see.

I'm off to get more buzzed. Bye.