Monday, July 27, 2009

home made care bears pillow case, = too badass.
You know those bands that have this huge mass appeal and everyone loves them, but you can't stand them at all.

Mine are:

The Smashing Pumpkins

I'm sorry but those bands are horrendous.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

fun. - Aim and Ignite

great album, it is the singer of the format...

oh and you can download it here ;)

I haven't seen this man in a little over a year, it is pretty sad. He moved to North Carolina and when I've been there he hasn't been able to make it to a show. We had some great times.
This one time....
...we made these smirnoff powerade drinks and got really drunk and fell asleep in the car outside in front of our apartment.
...he cooked maple flavored bacon and the whole place smelled for 2 weeks
...we got really drunk and started throwing mustard, sweet and sour sauce, ketchup, and everything else condiment wise at the walls, he was just upset because he didn't realize we had mustard until it was thrown
...the next morning after said mustard was thrown we were still drunk and tried to make cinnamon rolls but burned them and passed out in a closet while talking like old tyme people
...he passed out drunk on the toilet (completely naked), much to Jeff Vier, Mark, Jenn, and myself's dismay
...we went to Pub 17 and we got really drunk, I dropped a full beer on the dance floor and got cut off at a bro bar. On the way home he was throwing up so Theresa pulled over, cop pulled behind up behind us, 5 of the 8 people crammed in the car ran away. And he told the cops we were at Bar 17 in between throw ups
...we took a class together and I showed up for half the classes but still got the same grade as him
...we threw the Baron's Birthday Bash, filled a pinata up with condoms, starburst, marshmellows, and a can of tuna fish.
....for his birthday I got him a 50 and over porn magazine
...he got hit on by TJ
...Jeff Croissant, myself, and Geoff played heroes all day and drank all day
...he convinced me I was so wasted that I asked a very foul girl out, after I cried he said he was joking
...we drank steel reserves and just had a blast.

I need to go on a trip to North Carolina to visit him and his girlfriend soon.
The memories are so good.
Geoff aka The Baron = good.
I want to go to:
The museum
Veggie Heaven
Mini Golf
The Zoo...

come with?

"I and I"

A couple of days ago, I realized I lost control of my life. I went to Clifton with Tom to see the always amazing Joshua Starry. We had some shots and beer and went to the liquor store and got more drinks and arrived back and drank on his roof. Clifton has a lot of good memories for me and a lot of bad ones. I spent a good 5 days a week there for a year and a half making shitty music and hanging with band members who would slowly disappear. Sitting on the roof I looked at Tom and Josh and realized in a month it would be difficult for this to happen again. Tom is going to Seattle at the end of August and Josh is moving to Florida/Chicago in about two weeks. This gets me a little choked up and then I think of other people who were some of my close friends who disappeared and now I never see again. Change is the only constant and change is good but this is bad. Sitting on the roof being drunk, I saw the ground below me and it was beautiful. It looked like the perfect fall and the perfect way to go. Needless to say I got out of my head and the night eventually ended. The whole next day I kept thinking about this and what to do. At 3pm, I went to a Stevie B's house and for some reason we decided to drink. We drank a good amount of beers, he drove around walking dogs for 2 hours while we are drinking sailor jerry, we got back to his house and drank more. It comes to 8pm and a whole 30 is gone. I am now a complete and utter mess and can't handle anything, the more I kept thinking the more I knew it was time to die. We drive from Boundbrook to Gillette to go to Bartons, where we are there until 2am. Alot of it is a blur, but I know I was trying to score drugs, and convinced this was the night...

I just finished reading a book on spirits, aura, and inside well being. I came to a realization...

I've been attaching bad spirits on me, by having a self destructive personality. The more bad spirits that are attaching to me the worse things go. In order to get better you have to do visualization techniques and meditation, I know it sounds crazy but it really isn't. Maybe it's all fake and you are just believing in this so you can convince your mind that now you are better and then you act it, maybe it is real, i don't know.
All I know is having these past couple of days of leaving my body to see my spirit has allowed me to learn.
Everything I want is attainable, if I just throw myself out there it can happen, and it will happen if my soul is developed enough for it.

I know this makes me sound like a suicidal fuck who now is just plain crazy, but that's not it anymore. My mind is now calm. If I only see how bad this world is, that's all I am going to know...there is beauty all around me I just have to surround myself with good aura...

20 minutes of meditation in the morning, think in your head that there is this white wall in front of you where badness can't get through. It might help.

My full plan of attack starts on Monday, since the past few days have been about detoxing of the soul.
I'm ready.

If you haven't seen me in the past two weeks, you might want to. Lets experience beauty together.

"I and I, we're taking control of our lives
I and I, we're taking control of our lives
I and I, we're taking control of our lives
Everything's alright"

Monday, July 20, 2009

"I'm searching for an angel
shot down with broken wings
I see another harlot
muttering those deadly things
a girl for each wrist
and its always my mistake
this night i swear to god
you wont forget my name"

the first couple of lines to a song i am writing.