Wednesday, October 24, 2007


We threw a little shindig last Friday night. It was quite the night of merriness and stories. There was jugs of premade Red Bull and Vodka's and more beer then our fridge could hold, mind you this was BYOB. But I like to give my friends drinks either at my apartment or open tabs at the bar. Come 1030 our apartment was packed to the point you couldn't move and then there was 20some kids outside smoking. At one point I ventured outside and this conversation took place..
man next door: "Hey bro, there's kids smoking up here"
me: "Thanks I'll tell them to put it out or watch for security"
man next door: "no bro, i swear i smell smoke in my apartment and I don't like that smell"
me: "oh, sorry I'll get them downstairs..if you want to come over for a drink you are more than welcome to"
man next door: "no, i just don't want smoke"
then I apologized again and witnessed him tape up a sign to his door in nice big red letters, "Smoke downstairs not by me"
Now I understand he didn't want this around him which is understandable by me. But the fact is I get to smell the nice weed smell all the time and here him blast salsa music and horrendous mega mixes and never say anything. Arg.
After coming back inside I found out people were in Baron's room. Baron had distinctly said I don't want anyone in my room since I won't be here. There were two people who were in there and then more people came in, I said to them that they needed to leave the room. They then informed me that if Baron was here he wouldn't care. I said it doesn't matter, get out. they still stuck by the we'll take responsibility, he won't mind, etc deal. Sorry this is my apartment and what I say goes, you are attending a party and sitting in a room watching tv and having other people in there. not cool. finally they left after explaining to people how I am a huge prick and all that fun stuff. In my defense, yes I am a total asshole to alot of people. But 1. I've known Baron way longer. 2. You know him because of me. 3. It doesn't matter who you are. 4. It's my apartment get out and never come back.....
Bulgarian foreign exchange students somehow wound up here, they raided the fridge and stole Bob's packet of Bologna, now I'm a vegetarian so I could care less, but still. They ate the whole stack saying how they loved Salami. They then tried to take my rooster cookie jar, so classily nicknamed "nick's cock". They kept getting caught and were creepers and I had to kick out some more kids. Everyone was happy and it was a successful time and many pretty people came.
Things learned at the party:
1. Bulgarian kids love their pseudo-salami
2. Our apartment is known as the skateboard apartment
3. I'm a huge prick because I honor my roommates requests
4. Having Dillinger Escape Plan follow Party like a Rock star on a party mix just doesn't work.
5. I have some really awesome friends.