Monday, April 28, 2008

Is it bad that I got really excited right now, because I got my 100th positive feedback on ebay.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

drunk talk

I had an hour discussion about cocaine with some guy who was giving out free cigarettes at the bar last night.

just in case you were wondering.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

hey ladies, my name is nick joyce, i'm pretty sure you've heard of me

I'm pretty fucking cute...
from message boards from the other weekend when I was doing merch...

"I bought the CD because the one guy who was at the table with short black hair was pretty hot.

I'm pleased that I actually enjoyed the music after listening to it and didn't make an impulsive sexist purchase, or did I? hahaha."

and then another person...

"Yes!! I definitely agree with you on him being hot! I went and bought a shirt from him. His name is Nick, I think."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's currently 5:52 am. John and I drank roughly 3/4 a bottle of Everclear. I had my fristr taste of Couvessier tonight, I really have no idea how to spell it. I just ate a hash brown. I'm so fucking drunk I can barely type but I don't want to sleep. Blondie is playing a show in end of May, I really want to go. I don't let myself get down anymore there's alot of good things around. I like Dr. Pepper. I spent an hour and a half trying to find Brent tonight cause he took my lighter. I'm really over cigarettes. I don't want to grow up I'm a toys r us kid. I saw someone tonight. I smiled tonight. My apartment consists of people living on our floor, I like it that way. I want to get a new tattoo. I walked into this one party tonight and someone was saying, "Oh that's Nick Joyce"..I kinda like that, I kinda hate that... I'm pretty fucking infamous.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I have a serious crush on Rachel Ray.

Impressions I leave..

There was this rather portly girl who sat next to me and Kevin last semester. After 4 classes she went MIA for the rest of the semester. Kevin was sitting in some lounge the other day and she walked in and was like "I had a class with you last semester, I sat next to you and your friend. You guys always stank like alcohol."

Moral of the story, I need to drink more.

Monday, April 14, 2008

On January 6, 1986. The day I was born this was the number one song in the country..

Lionel Richie - "Say You, Say Me"

clearly I'm meant for greatness.

Tomato Sauce

I have a weird obsession with tomato sauce, I basically put it on anything. When I get really drunk I take a couple of spoonfuls of it from the jar. It's delicious.

Now what confuses me is I can't stand ketchup, like for reals. If it touches me I freak out. It's basically the same thing as tomato sauce, except tomato sauce is delicious ketchup is for fools.

You so just wasted 30 seconds reading this.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Frat Boy 101

Cool things to play at a bar if you like muscle milk, as witnessed last night.

Nickelback - Rockstar
3 Days Grace - I hate everything about you
a couple others that i cant remember too...

make sure though when you are playing the songs you play darts with your homies and air guitar a drum breakdown.
High five the bro to your right and nod your head like 'yea im the shit'.

if you do this you will be one of the bro's

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This is not me being an asshole...

julieboolie 2 23: hey whats ur deal?
daygreen99: i dont have one?
julieboolie 2 23: why did u tell kyle u dont wanna be in the wedding?
daygreen99: cause i didnt feel up to being in the groom party
julieboolie 2 23: yea, it interferes too much with ur partying right?
daygreen99: no i have a busy schedule as it is and that's not something that's easily fit in
julieboolie 2 23: well you know we will both be better off without ur bullshit any way, i knew u were a terrible friend from day one
daygreen99: yea i'm a horrible horrible person. there's no point in even having this talk so let's just let this be.
julieboolie 2 23: no problem, have a good life, dont kill urself drinking
daygreen99: thanks for the heads up ill keep that in mind... so i guess im not invited to the reception
julieboolie 2 23: not after that shannigans, kyle was counting on u
daygreen99: ok just making sure so i don't have to go to bed bath and beyond to get a bridal registry
daygreen99: i even had a date planned, lunch box said he'd come
julieboolie 2 23: thats probably a good idea seeing that im not registered at bed bath and beyond
julieboolie 2 23: i think u need to have a long talk with kyle he deserves an appology, that is the least u can do
julieboolie 2 23: and please, that is the LAST person i want at my wedding
daygreen99: exactly'
julieboolie 2 23: whatever, it is definitely not my loss
daygreen99: same here
julieboolie 2 23: ur a waste of time
daygreen99: yea i suppose. ill let you go now. you guys have a jolly time

The story: Kyle used to play in a band I was in. We were best friends, the band basically consisted of him and me doing everything. He wrote the music, I booked all the shows wrote all the lyrics etc. We hung out daily, and I mean daily. Me and his other best friend Lunch Box one time went to Wildwood for a couple of days and drank everclear nonstop and had emotional times. Lunchbox and I stood by Kyle all the time when he was upset we never left him and we always played wingmen. All of a sudden the band started doing good, we were playing shows with signed bands getting mad plays, and got an email from a fairly good indie label who has housed many of the bands you are listening to now, can we say Panic at the disco, gym class heroes, etc. I contact Kyle, but oh wait for 3 weeks prior he started hanging out with this new girl. She took over his life, she was a "trained" singer who loved country and convinced him how horrible I was and the rest of the band was. And you know its a waste of time etc. I never said I was anything special but the big thing was we had gnarly shows, gnarly looks and people liked it and label wanted us. So the girl has no idea about 'the scene' and fucks us over. I put on a smile was liek oh yea hi shes nice. She wouldn't let him hang out alone they decided they were moving to South Carolina, so band broke up, with contract on the table. Cool.
He's MIA till one day he says he's not moving, I get excited thinknig he got smart and peaced, but oh wait. She's pregnant apparently going on and off birth control and not telling your significant other allows you to get pregnant, who would have thunk it?
So he's MIa forever never answers phone calls until he randomly calls me needing something.
"I want you to be a groomsman at my wedding"
Now I am in a quandry, do I say yes because of all the good times we had and how much I cared about him or do I say no since he became a whenever friend and made a horrible decision.
I said I think so.
He is then MIA again.
Until one day he calles about getting our tux's fitted. I think to myself, what the fuck am I doing. I am going to go to this wedding put on the oh hey congrats face and then leave and he'll be MIA for another 6 months or whatever.
I email him and say, I'm sorry but I will not be in the procession. Good Luck.
Julie then IM's me that conversation.

I don't need random people who will be friends then disappear, especially someone who you basically lived with. Not my deal. I could have went off on her or said horrible stuff here, but there's no point. Out of respect for him I will let it be. You just have to ask yourself, when all of your friends disappear because of some new person in your life, what does that mean.
I feel deep down inside he knows why I said no and he understands and will never hate me, there was to much that took place between us for that to happen. I hope he is happy, we had great times and memories are always relevant. Just never say I was a horrible person cause thats bullshit. But why worry, right.


Monday, April 7, 2008

I bought

a date book planner thingy today. It helps me feel responsible, though I am probably never going to look in it after the initial things I scheduled today. It's the thought that counts right?

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I graduate in a month or so. I decided I'm not going to walk in it. I keep getting the guilt trip, it would mean alot to your grandparents etc. It's not my deal. I graduated, I don't need to sit in a 4 hour ceremony in a robe to walk and get a diploma. Mail it to me. Cool. Thanks.