Wednesday, January 21, 2009

my 4:35am drunk annoyed rant

So my night started out fairly well, drinks in Gillette at the lovely Bartons Bar establishment, had a drink or two there while waiting for Brent and John to get out of band practice. When it was time to leave I drove to Morristown where it was time to indulge in the amazingness of dollar beers. Had a good amount of cost effective drinks there with Brent and his beau while waiting for John to arrive. John let us know that he was showering so he would show up in a bit, so we went to another bar to have some more drinks. In true John fashion he showed up at the bar at 1:35ish while last call was happening. So we did some shots fast to make everything all good. Brent's beau said she had some vodka and gin so we should go and drink there. We left and stopped to purchase some diet colas to mix with the speak-easy's that we were about to have. When we went there John's fun time arrived, and that's when my rant will begin...
We follow her back to her friends place where they are all drinking so it would be good for everyone to have cocktails and a gay old time. Upon arriving there, on the television there is Mtv's celebratory concert for Obama on. Two of the really "badass", "gnarly", "too cool for school" dudes decided to start going into rants about "Let's all cheer for a nigger", "Yea all these white people in the audience are excited for the nigger", blah blah...Ok fine I hate George Bush and I will call him a redneck, so I guess in some fucked up way I will excuse someone for calling Obama a "nigger". You know what you are an idiot for using that word to describe the guy, but everyone uses bad words/stereotype words to describe the person they hate. Fine it is idiotic and foolish but I will ignore it. Granted you are setting everyone back years and years by needing to say nigger to describe a black person you hate, but so be it fine.
Their next step is to stand up and start saluting the t.v. in a sieg heil, hail hitler hand know the one where you hit your chest and then stick your hand straight out. I'm sorry how is he Hitler? Are you that ignorant and that much of a piece of shit that you are hailing your president as Hitler. He hasn't even been in office for a full day, and hasn't fucked anything up and you are already comparing him to one of if not the worst dictators in all of history, and can I ask why.. it is because he is black. Straight up, you can be republican but you will not be hailing him as Hitler unless you are a racist piece of shit. YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD...
I still sat there slowly getting more and more mad, then comments started coming out, which are just ridiculous and I have no need to repeat. After enough of these I start getting way to annoyed and the alcohol making me have a lose tongue made me start to voice back a little bit. The one man, lets call him Larry the Cable Guy, decided that I am ignorant. After me telling him how the economy is a pendulum and will go from amazingness to recession and then back again, which is true., you will never have an amazing economy forever it will always go high and then go down and back up again...he decided to explain to me that I am a moron and do not know what I am talking about. Now hold on for a second, I may not be the smartest man in the world, but I have been to a great High school and a good College, I got scholarships to every college I applied to, I was a slacker but somehow always managed good grades. How the fuck am I a moron, I'm saying a fact based on valid knowledge but it is completely wrong. Maybe if I hadn't gone to school (like him), lived in my parents basement (like him), work at Burger King (like him), I would be much more knowledgeable. Whatever if it's one thing I know for sure is that you can't argue with ignorance, they will never be wrong and you will never be right. So kudos to you Larry the Cable Guy, you did it, your smarts from making Whopper Jr's and making sure the Chicken Tenders are hot made you understand our government, politics, economics, and the world in large....
Now they are having artists perform songs in celebration of having a complete breath of fresh air in the office, and guess who is playing Fall Out Boy. Now comes the yelling at the t.v. the death threats and all that shit from these really awesome dudes. This band is full of faggots, they are sell outs, they don't know what they are talking about etc. After the hailing of "Hitler Obama" I am mad but now the things they are saying about music is starting to really get me. Fall Out Boy are sellouts? They are? I didn't know that. Why are they sell outs cause they are one of the biggest bands on the planet right now, I never heard them say anything anywhere saying that they wanted to stay a really small band the rest of their lives and travel in a van. Are they sellouts because they wrote an album you didn't like. Sorry that Patrick Stump, their singer, has a great voice and can sing in variation and now they have budget where they can take the time and write those songs. Hey guess what, Fall Out Boy till play VFW halls between their albums, oh wait you mean they sell out Madison Square Garden but still play venues that hold 150 kids because they like that...well they are fucking huge sell outs how dare they. Oh did you know that before their most recent album came out they were playing venues about the size of Irving Plaza and the tickets were $10 each, and that was because they wanted to play that sized venues and wanted to keep tickets cheap. Well fuck them that is selling out. Why are you so upset, cause your shitty local band is still struggling to get basement shows. People make are for themselves, but alot of them want others to enjoy it to, I'm sorry that Fall Out Boy took the chance to have people enjoy it and succeed. Dude Green Day was so much better before Dookie came out. Shut the fuck up, most of the people who say that didn't even like Green Day until they heard of them through Dookie. Guess what one of the definitions of sell out is, it is a person who compromises his or her personal values, integrity, talent, or the like, for money or personal advancement. Did you know Pete Wentz (your fave person of Fall out boy), was big into hardcore/punk and did you know they had a thing in Chicago like the NJ Scene where he would discuss those types of bands, and did you realize that when he was big he made a label and signed a band called Lifetime to that label. If you don't know who Lifetime is and dare to give me that more punk than thou attitutde, fuck off and look up who they are. So this guy who loved hardcore/punk bands gets big and signs a legendary band of that scene, well if that isn't the definition of a sell out I don't know what is...

Oh hey guess what this punk band called The Clash put out their first album in England on a label called CBS, and in America it was released by a label called Epic...Great punk band right? Releasing an album on a major. Guess they are sell outs too.
You white trash ignorant fool, you people are what is wrong with society. Keep holding your breath for a new Toby Keith record, I heard Walmart needs some new door greeters, you can work there and then get a discount on those Dickies, gotta be punk rock right?