Sunday, December 2, 2007


Recently I've been having people come up to me and tell me that there is some kid walking around saying he knows me and is great friends with me, so he can get into parties. He literally opens there door at a party or knocks and when they're like who are you, the response is "I'm Nick Joyce's friend". That is honestly one of the lamest things I've ever heard. If you don't know the person and you're not going to the party with someone who does don't randomly show up and say you're my friend so you can go in. That's fucking lame and actually really fucking uncool. I do not enjoy people using my name as a password in order to go have fun. It's really fucking weird.

sidenote, due to the barons birthday bash round 2, we know have a floor full of oatmeal and least it wasn't marshmellow this time.