Monday, November 26, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I got a new tattoo

It reads "I know there's something out there more for me. This town just makes me hate the sky".. It means numerous things to me. I love New Jersey but don't want to get stuck in the Jersey mold where you live in the same town all your life in like the next house over. Jersey seems to have this way of sheltering everyone, everything is so tightly packed together. I want to live in New Jersey but also reside in other areas too. It's reminding me to keep my options over and do my thing aka, touring again with bands (holler warped tour) and humanitarian work. The lyrics come from one of Bleed the Dream's first songs, "Sarcastic Farewell", which me meeting them on their first tour and then becoming friends to the point where I'd always go with them and stuff around the area. This summer on Warped, Keith who is my best buddy in the band was saying how the band is over, with the new singer it just wasn't working and it's done. I got to see my friend everyday and just have great talks, fun, hang outs, and just fun stories. So part of the tattoo is reminding me to get the fuck going and be all over the world and the other part is a big memory of a great person who taught me bro

What I've Been Listening to the Past Few Weeks...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Michael Moore

This old man came into Blockbuster the other day. He came to check out a movie and says "I'm about to stop shopping here". I ask him why and he responds, "You have this fat fucks movies all over the place, a goddamn entire section dedicated to his new movie, your owner is a liberal and is trying to send his propaganda everywhere." Now I don't care what people think for or against it's cool, it's your decision. The only thing I hate is when people are just flat out ignorant about their opinions, like saying how you hate something when you've never seen it, or just being stubborn and just saying like George Bush is great because he is president and what he says is obviously true. If you believe in something and actually can back it up or have legit reasons that's great for you, whether or not I agree with you, but if you just like to spew stupid things out and have no reason why I consider you a fool...Anyways...I say to him how his new movie really isn't political for either side, it's more saying how our health care is horrendous and needs to be fixed, granted it does have somethings against bush but whatever for the most part it's trying to bring attention to our fuck ups. He informs me how it is all propaganda and that only idiots believe what he says and it's all lies. Now I've like Michael Moore since I was 13 (now 21) he made a documentary called "The Big One" it's about all these companies in America making record profits and then downsizing all their employees and moving overseas. It's a great movie just showing how these companies in America have cause so many people horrendous problems after making great profits, etc...His more recent stuff is more political but who else is really talking out about the problems. Anytime someone films a documentary you know it's their point of view and you shouldn't just believe it at face value, read up on it, do research etc. But for the most part a lot of his stuff is 100% true and raises good points. Whether you agree or not he is getting people to talk about what he is talking about so you need to applaud that...After telling him that the movie is a hit and obviously we are going to dedicate shelf space to it he calls me a young liberal who needs to get his facts straight and leaves the store... I then go to his account and put a hold on it for renting, I write 3 holds on it, these have to be taken off manually when he tries to rent... 1) Renter bounced a check.. 2) Renters credit card was declined.. 3) Renter returned 3 movies without the disc's...I also wrote a comment that pops up every time until I personally remove it with my manager code.. "Ask renter how he enjoyed Sicko (Moore's new movie).. guy sucks and is just an ignorant angry man who hasn't watched anything Michael Moore has done and just bases his opinions on what Bill O'Reilly says.... have fun renting at blockbuster you redneck...

Friday, November 9, 2007

best 12.99 investment of my life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I get really bad anxiety. Like really really bad social anxiety. It gets to the point where it's hard to function, it's not even with strangers it's with everyone. It's a struggle to leave my room or car or something. One of the weirdest feelings a person can get is standing somewhere and turning around because you can't do it, even when you know all the people there. I'm really good with it now but sometimes it flares up really bad. Everytime it happens I just try and think that people love me, I'm fun and enjoyable why be scared? It really does suck though when you want to do something but can't and choose to just sit in your room instead.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

is it bad...

that when I get drunk I really really really like to blast the village people at full volume? It just feels so right.


I've been working at Blockbuster in Ramsey for about 5 weeks now. It's so comedy. There's nothing attractive about saying you work there but whatever it's interesting, interacting, and makes me productive. There's nuts people too, like the couple that comes in either drunk or stoned and have their 5yr olds with them, or Rev Run from Run DMC who doesn't have account so he buys all movies and a 100dollars worth of candy. In my 5 weeks of work seeing as I am not a vegetable and I know my alphabet I got promoted to asssistant manager, and the one manager leaves in January and then I get promoted to manager, i just think that's comedy.
Paid off credit card bill, watch good movies, and have good laughs. The best part is we are having a managment party in two weeks at some place with a couple other stores and there is open bar, and I am invited. I don't even need to explain why this is great...

Saturday, November 3, 2007

the future...

somewhere in the amazing travels i took part in during the summer i realized what i needed to do, everything is a means to an end...
i want to do a band again, it was the best experience of my life, from starting everything, writing the first heartfelt song to ending it all outside the nice nyc.
after i graduate ramapo its pretty much whatever i want, i already know of the graduation present i am receiving which will allow me a lot of money to do what i want so i'm safe...

i have the opportunity to go on tour with legit bands when i graduate but at one pointi realizedduring the summer i really want to do humanitarian work. i either want to work for peta or go to a south american country and impact people.
