Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's not about how many facebook or myspace friends you have.
It's not about how many tagged photos there are of you on facebook.
It's not about driving in your jaguar.
It's not about how many picture comments you have or about commenting on your own (ex: lyke omg this picture is so funny i was looking at Frank while doing a shot and I'm so suprised in it...or i look so bad in this pic (then why the fuck did you put it online?))
It's not about having an iPhone and buying really cool new apps.
It's not about your blackberry and bbm'ing all these people (people that probably don't give a fuck about you)
It's not about how you just downloaded the complete first season of some show and you hooked it up to your plasma and just balling.
It's not about saying some record is really good because that's the thing to do.
It's not about tvo'ing some dvr'ing so you never miss an episode.
It's not about your sweet net flix account.

this shit shouldn't run your life and if it does I feel really fucking bad for you.

Go read a book, a real book not a fucking Tom Clancy novel
Go fucking outside and take a walk in a scenic area.
Go have a social interaction with real friends.
Go sit outside with a cup of coffee on a nice day and just sit and think.
Listen to some music that is meaningful and from the heart and actually has a message, and if Forever the Sickest Kids are that band for you, I feel really bad.
Go do something positive.

there's so much bullshit surrounding all of us and we get so trapped in it, myself included at times. It's so annoying having 840 friends on facebook doesn't mean shit when it comes down to it, because I bet you only talk to the same 4 motherfuckers each day.
Does anyone get the difference between a friend and a FRIEND. That dude you see at the bar and you guys have drinks and get really drunk and talk about the "bitches you fuck" is not a friend, the dude who goes to the city with you cause you have a ticket to pay and who is there for you is a real friend...

I don't care for people who keep needing to bring up how they were the man back in the day, or who needs to constantly promote the idiotness of this whole world.
Leave me the fuck alone, I get more enjoyment out of sitting in my room with a book and a cup of coffee then hanging out with a motherfucker who won't shut the fuck up about bullshit.

Everything I do is a contradiction to myself, but everything you do is just full of shit.

What was your big accomplishment? Getting the high score in a fucking playstation game? Fuck off realize you are full of shit...

Just throwing this one out there too...
If you get drunk and then think you are a tough guy you are a fool. Beer muscles isn't shit. You're a fuck up the whole day but once alcohol touches your lips and you get drunk, you're the man. Fuck that. Motherfucker I stand up for myself sober or drunk, I'll lay you out when I just wake up in the morning, I don't need alcohol to be a tough guy. ( i need alcohol to take away my suicidal edge)

Think about how much bullshit and bullshit people surround you, get the fuck out of my life. You were never the man and you never will be, go get a sick job from your dad, so you can drive your sick jag, so you can pick up mad bitches, so you can talk to your boys about how this slut just wanted your dick, so then you can get some new video games, so then you can beat them, so then you can pump the new 50cent cd because you're down...

fuck off, eat shit, lose my phone number.