Monday, March 30, 2009

These are my favorite bands of all time:
Alkaline Trio
The Bouncing Souls
Green Day

they have in common some ideals and principals that I wish more bands would recognize. None of these bands just wrote songs to be huge or sign to a major label right off the bat. They plugged their ways through hard times and built their way from the ground up. I'm sure at numerous times in their career they almost gave up, after years of playing you just think to yourself how it sucks to struggle for rent and maybe you should just give it up and go somewhere and get a 9-5 job. It's easy to do that, but these bands didn't and they stuck through it and have things to show for it now. Anyone can be the next flash in the z100 top hit club, it takes skill, dedication, and a drive to actually build a career. It doesn't matter how old you are or what you look like to do this. If you have your heart in the right place the pieces fit (eventually).. You start your band and your first 5 fans slowly grow to 10 and then 15 and so on, you can't let set backs fuck you up (labels, van break downs, drama, member loss), believe in it, right your true song, something will happen.

Right something true and that you believe in.
This is your moment, seize it.