Wednesday, April 29, 2009

my bags are packed.

I am leaving today for a month trek with the Houston Calls cats. We are driving out of Berkeley Heights at 7pm and driving straight to California. It is sure to be an interesting drive with sanity being lost, smells being smelled, and 711s being raided. I just purchased good old triple A batteries for trustworthy flip camera so we can have some video documentaries. Hopefully all goes really well and we all have a blast with not to many arguments taking place.

I'm ready to leave and see some new sights and experience some new things.
I purchased a new book for the road and a new pint of Sailor Jerry's (my current favorite alcohol to swig).

So see you around.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is one of the most amazing videos I have ever seen. Watch it until the end you won't regret it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

In the past two weeks I've seen almost all of my best friends. It's been pretty satisfying and extremely fun. I always talk to them and see them but it seems the past 14 days there has been an influx of seeing different amazing people every night. I haven't had much sleep at all and for three days in a row wound up getting home at 8-830 in the morning.
Looking at the motley crew of characters, they range from high school history teacher to "entrepreneur", to government worker, to playin a little music, and then there's others in between.
I leave soon for a month journey and am quite excited to see all the new events.

There's a couple things I need to do for myself that only I can take care of, but as of right now things are pretty swell....

(I still really would love to die though)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nick Joyce's book club.

Did you ever read a really good book and then kind of forget about it? I am somewhat of a reader and the other day I was putting a book away and looked at my bookshelf and rediscovered two amazing books I read a while ago, but kind of forgot about, below I will show you them...
This book is called Let Me Finish and it is by Udo Grashoff

The author of this book has gone around collecting suicide notes from people who left them when they killed themselves. He then researched what was going on in their life and what contributed to them killing themselves. In the book he displays the note for the reader to read and then explains the back history of the person and what was going so bad in their lives. One can argue that is an invasion of privacy since the note was not really left for public knowledge, but it is very interesting and the backstory of what took place is very powerful. The book is a little bit of a downer, but I enjoyed it alot..

Now on the other side of the spectrum....

This book is called Life is so good and it is by George Dawson.

This book is an autobiography on George Dawson. He wrote the book when he was 101, after he started learning how to read and write at age 98. As if that is not intriguing enough, he talks about growing up as a laborer, during when black people had no rights and were still very prejudiced against. It is a very good story and very powerful. It helps display the power of mind and the triumph of the human spirt. He worked hard all his life and even at 98 he didn't give up and enrolled himself into adult school so he could try and finally learn to read and write. This book is a perfect modern day "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"...If you haven't read that I suggest you do, and if you don't know who he is I suggest you look him up. As he is one of the most important African American and American in general, in history.

open a book, start with one of more John Grisham read something real.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I really enjoy looking on facebook and seeing really slick comments from guys on girl's walls. I just read one where the collar popper goes "Yo grl, c u soon, i bring da booze"..... No analyze this sentence, is this guy serious. I understand abbreviating on the internet and maybe dropping of the g in a word so instead of saying "what are you doing today" you would say "what are you doin today" or even "whatchu doin today", fine fine shorten things it's the internet, but don't write a sentence that makes it look like your keyboard is broken or you're the son or rain man. Aside from the lingo that gets dropped I enjoy what is written, it's always some classic line, usually they will drop these words or phrases in the comment, "damn", lookin beautiful", "goin to da club", "and workin out".. Damn grl, you be lookin beautiful, when we goin to da club?

Jesus Christ, what is a little more pathetic then that is that some of the girls are all about this, this just mind boggles me but to each is own.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I sleep on more floors then beds.
I spend all my money on books, alcohol and music related products.
I barely ever sleep and seem to always have a permanent hangover.
My mind lives in two different worlds and causes me to be very self destructive.
I've got ideas but am to scared to go about them.
I can't plan anything to far in advance because I would probably break the plans.
I'm 23 and have been through and seen more stuff then most people.
I hate myself more then anyone could ever imagine...
I wouldn't have my life any other way though.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

how the west was won...

I'm not your fucking security blanket, I don't care about your problems.
I want to have as many friends as possible, so I have more choices of who to give my stuff to before I kill myself...

send your requests for my belongings to:

Monday, April 6, 2009

it's called fuck my life.

I'm taking a couple of days hiatus from seeing people at night. Last night I went to East Rutherford and had beer and pizza with Tom, Josh, Ashley, and Jon. So today is my first day of staying in at night. It is weird and I do not enjoy it, but I am not drinking until Friday. Monday to Thursday is a long time of no drinking, especially when I do it everyday.
I do not if i can do it, as I am already losing my mind and don't enjoy watching tv really. But I have some good books, I have a book I am writing, and I am suicidal, so hey I got three things to take care of.
The Format - If Work Permits

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I bought my mom the new Kelly Clarkson cd for her birthday, upon her opening it I put it on my iTunes...

I'm still cooler than you.

The other day I had the fine pleasure of dining at a Friendly's. I was in the Rockaway Mall and me and the chum I was with decided we were hungry and we should go there. I have not been to a Friendly's in years so it seemed like an exciting and exotic idea. My dreams of being lavished with service, good food, and a nice sundae were smashed the second I stepped foot in that restaurant. The menu is a generic, all american, pseudo diner menu. It seems that the specialty they have is their supermelt, this is where you can get a crazy sandwich such as a chicken parm supermelt or a turkey club! I, being a vegetarian, could not take part in such a crazy delicacy. I asked our lovely, 300lb, full of acne, server if they happened to have veggie burgers...She replied that they do not carry them anymore but they have turkey burgers, I informed her that I am not a fan of turkey, to which she told me that they do in fact carry salads there. Now wasn't I in luck, that they had salads, I mean it is so rare to find an establishment that sells salads in this day and age. I settled for a grilled cheese. It was fine it tasted the same whoopy. Now the table next to us had a couple and their children, this was a fine all american couple. The husband was wearing a sleeveless Harley Davidson shirt, a Harley Davidson hat, some form of very baggy jeans, I'm guessing they were Bugle Boys, and construction boots. His wife looked basically like him except she had smaller breasts, but I do not want to come off as making fun of her, because she was a fine woman who was able to birth 5 children all under the age of 5. The kids were very well behaved, so well behaved in fact that they didn't want to make a mess at the table so they didn't sit down at all. And they were very exercise conscious because they kept using the Denny's corridors as a triathlon circle. More and more All American, Dallas Cowboys, Budweiser, Walmart, wife beating, fans came in and the place was just popping...
Sitting there I wondered how does this place still exist, why is there a Friendly's. It is horrible, and if this has to exist why doesn't it just set up shop inside Walmart, it would save their consumers the extra gallon of gas in their chevy tahoe.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Remember in the 90s when all those bands started having backwards letters in their names? Like Korn had the backwards R, or Eminem had the backwards E...why was that looked at like it was really cool, and how come now the big thing is spelling band names out with a symbol...For example using @ as an A, or $ as an S. I don't think it looks cool and considering numerous bands are doing the same thing it's not original. At least your shirt will look good on a Hot Topic wall.

Congrats brah, you're s@ving the $cene.
Just because you talk to someone a couple of times it doesn't mean you are friends with them.
News flash you're not liked motherfucker.
Check it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009