This book is called Let Me Finish and it is by Udo Grashoff
The author of this book has gone around collecting suicide notes from people who left them when they killed themselves. He then researched what was going on in their life and what contributed to them killing themselves. In the book he displays the note for the reader to read and then explains the back history of the person and what was going so bad in their lives. One can argue that is an invasion of privacy since the note was not really left for public knowledge, but it is very interesting and the backstory of what took place is very powerful. The book is a little bit of a downer, but I enjoyed it alot..
Now on the other side of the spectrum....
This book is called Life is so good and it is by George Dawson.
This book is an autobiography on George Dawson. He wrote the book when he was 101, after he started learning how to read and write at age 98. As if that is not intriguing enough, he talks about growing up as a laborer, during when black people had no rights and were still very prejudiced against. It is a very good story and very powerful. It helps display the power of mind and the triumph of the human spirt. He worked hard all his life and even at 98 he didn't give up and enrolled himself into adult school so he could try and finally learn to read and write. This book is a perfect modern day "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"...If you haven't read that I suggest you do, and if you don't know who he is I suggest you look him up. As he is one of the most important African American and American in general, in history.
open a book, start with one of more John Grisham read something real.