Monday, April 13, 2009

I really enjoy looking on facebook and seeing really slick comments from guys on girl's walls. I just read one where the collar popper goes "Yo grl, c u soon, i bring da booze"..... No analyze this sentence, is this guy serious. I understand abbreviating on the internet and maybe dropping of the g in a word so instead of saying "what are you doing today" you would say "what are you doin today" or even "whatchu doin today", fine fine shorten things it's the internet, but don't write a sentence that makes it look like your keyboard is broken or you're the son or rain man. Aside from the lingo that gets dropped I enjoy what is written, it's always some classic line, usually they will drop these words or phrases in the comment, "damn", lookin beautiful", "goin to da club", "and workin out".. Damn grl, you be lookin beautiful, when we goin to da club?

Jesus Christ, what is a little more pathetic then that is that some of the girls are all about this, this just mind boggles me but to each is own.