Saturday, April 4, 2009

The other day I had the fine pleasure of dining at a Friendly's. I was in the Rockaway Mall and me and the chum I was with decided we were hungry and we should go there. I have not been to a Friendly's in years so it seemed like an exciting and exotic idea. My dreams of being lavished with service, good food, and a nice sundae were smashed the second I stepped foot in that restaurant. The menu is a generic, all american, pseudo diner menu. It seems that the specialty they have is their supermelt, this is where you can get a crazy sandwich such as a chicken parm supermelt or a turkey club! I, being a vegetarian, could not take part in such a crazy delicacy. I asked our lovely, 300lb, full of acne, server if they happened to have veggie burgers...She replied that they do not carry them anymore but they have turkey burgers, I informed her that I am not a fan of turkey, to which she told me that they do in fact carry salads there. Now wasn't I in luck, that they had salads, I mean it is so rare to find an establishment that sells salads in this day and age. I settled for a grilled cheese. It was fine it tasted the same whoopy. Now the table next to us had a couple and their children, this was a fine all american couple. The husband was wearing a sleeveless Harley Davidson shirt, a Harley Davidson hat, some form of very baggy jeans, I'm guessing they were Bugle Boys, and construction boots. His wife looked basically like him except she had smaller breasts, but I do not want to come off as making fun of her, because she was a fine woman who was able to birth 5 children all under the age of 5. The kids were very well behaved, so well behaved in fact that they didn't want to make a mess at the table so they didn't sit down at all. And they were very exercise conscious because they kept using the Denny's corridors as a triathlon circle. More and more All American, Dallas Cowboys, Budweiser, Walmart, wife beating, fans came in and the place was just popping...
Sitting there I wondered how does this place still exist, why is there a Friendly's. It is horrible, and if this has to exist why doesn't it just set up shop inside Walmart, it would save their consumers the extra gallon of gas in their chevy tahoe.