Tuesday, January 15, 2008

ramble ramble ramble

I have this whole thing in my head where I convince myself anything. I tend to always over analyze things, be over critical, or to introverted. Then because this is what I do I convince myself that this is how everyone is and everyone things the same way that I do. This then in turns gives me more problems that are in my own mind. It is a whole vicious cycle that I deal with daily.

I have this thing where within the first 5 minutes of seeing one, an interaction doesn't even have to take place I can size them up, like completly know their about me and know exactly how to talk to them for better or for worse. It's weird when I know just the right thing to say to get a reaction, this then contributes to me being a total prick alot of times because I know what buttons to push and what to say because I've realized about 90% of people that I have come into contact with are foolish and covering up. Myself included at times.....