Monday, January 28, 2008

shout outs to the cool things in college classes...

The Mom - she sits in my Music and Culture class and feels the need to agree with everything. She also believes that she has to nod her head after every comment, and nod it like a bobblehead set loose and that she can not speak at a normal volume but needs to talk loud and look around when doing so to make sure everyone is agreeing. She also knows that when a teacher makes a comment that is supposed to be funny, it is very appropriate to laugh like a hyena. Her comment today was about in response to the question posed if music can be used for evil: "Just look at Marilyn Manson and what he did to the Columbine Kids"...I'm passive in class and normally ignore every stupid comment but this set me off, I informed her that he is making art and does not matter how vulgar it is, he is putting out questions that need to be self analyzed etc etc. She then got mad and said that he was responsible...end of statement. I bet her kids love life...

The Kid with the noisy nose - Listen everyone now and again gets their nose all stuffy or it does that weird whistling thing, but this kid sounds like his sinuses are permenantly glued shut and he has a trumpet up there. It got to the point where I just sat there listening and getting progressively more angry. I couldn't listen to anything else or get it out of my mind it was insane. If you can not breathe open your other orfice aka your mouth and use that.

All the people who get confused with a syllabus... these questions have all been posed in the past week:
"Now this says on 3/14 there is a presentation for one of the groups, does that mean they are going on that day or they should start working on the assignment"
"On the day you show the videos for our project do we actually have to attend class"
"You say that if you come late all the time you will start lowering grade, I am never on time can I be an exception" Teacher: "Where do you live" Student : "I live in the CPAs, but I always wind up running late", he said this after showing up 30 minutes late...
"Do you think she'll (meaning the teacher), mind if I have my iPod on during class I don't feel like listening"

I feel like I somehow entered a special ed school instead of my last college semester.