Saturday, February 28, 2009

We have not had a quiet day since we arrived in Australia. You can't allow yourself one either, you are in Australia for two weeks, staying in a hotel room one night watching television is a waste. So even though I am currently very burned out and would just love to sleep for a day and not go anywhere it's not going to happen, I will go out. Last night was free open bar, and after a couple of drinks I couldn't do it anymore and left. The night before I was falling asleep at the bar. Today is our off day so after our flight I plan on sleeping until it is time to drink. And to make matters worse I like fucked up my back a couple days ago and it is fucking killing me and interrupting solid sleep, but I'm not complaining this is a great trip. I mean, I can walk to the hotel lobby and the dudes in New Found Glory recognize me and talk to me. How fucking insane is that. Or I can talk to Anthony Raneri really fast, even though I'm scurrrred...
We pet koalas and kangaroos a couple days ago, it was sick.
I need to shower.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I don't know how many days we've been in Australia, or what time it is, or what day it is, but I'm enjoying myself here. The shows have been really great and for the most part all the people have been pretty great. Soundwave is basically like a Warped Tour, what makes it awesome is that all the bands fly together, we all take shuttles together, and it's sick. I've met some great people on this tour and had some rediculous nights. But alas my computer is dying because Australian power is different so I will have to detail later.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today is our day off, tomorrow is our flight to Australia. I'm being serious, it hasn't fully set in yet, but when I am taking off my shoes at the airport so I can prove that I am not a terrorist it will probably have set in. The festival shows are going to be sick and the off shows with New Found Glory will be fucking retarded (retarded means ridiculous). The flight has complimentary drinks which I will be indulging in, though not to many because a hangover on an airplane will be pretty horrendous. Our van rides in Australia are with New Found Glory, damn that's sick.

Today we have just sat around which is pretty nice, I'm currently downloading two seasons of the Drew Carey Show and a season of the Wonder Years, hopefully they finish in time so I can watch some on the flight. I've got to ration my power well since it is a 14 hour flight. Hopefully we will do something fun tonight though sitting around chilling works well too.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I love it when you see a dude and you know he just wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror and is like "Yea I'm the shit, bitches love me, I'm the man"

See I don't think that I am the man, I know I am.

this is a percentage.

The breakdown of the type of people who lean on cd's or tshirts or posters that are at the merch table...

25% - fat people (mainly girls)
25% - dudes who look like they came from a Hot Topic shoot
15% - bro's with tribal tattoos, wearing shorts, somewhat high socks or really low socks with adidas shoes and at least one diamond earing
10% - the random person who came with their friend, who then ditched them and now are lonely and feel the need to rest their hand on a crisp cd case
10% - the guy/girl who you know their significant other is cheating on them
10% - the trio of 13 year old girls who got dropped off at the show and really need to be on AIM on their sidekick 3 at the show
5% - the kid who gets picked on all the time, and you feel bad for him but you know if he was in your highschool class you would make fun of him too.
I'm wearing an Obama tshirt and someone just asked me if I'm a supporter....

Obviously I am why the fuck else would I own this shirt and currently be wearing it.

Who the fuck is Sing It Loud? I never heard of them and I refuse to listen. They got in a car accident today and I would never wish an injury on anybody but judging from the company they keep, ummm.
Do people really get homesick after being gone for a while? I never do, maybe cause I am with good friends when I am gone or because I don't have ties at home. Sure I love New Jersey and love hanging with kids who aren't in a van with me, but when I'm gone it's whatever, I don't miss most of it. The only thing I don't like is constantly having to sift through things in my suitcase trying to find clean clothes and then barely being able to zip the luggage back up, but hey that's a small price to pay for enjoyment.

I think this tour so far has been very successful for the band. We are constantly selling cd's to kids who haven't heard of the band before. Hopefully things can work out correctly and more good tours can folllow.

We are leaving for Australia in a couple of days and as long as the plane takes off and lands successfully then it should be a good time. I want to pet a koala. That is my goal, my other goal is to have a child in Australia maybe I can successfully achieve both. Hey another continent means no child support, right?

How come everyone is obsessed with Glamour Kills, sure there are some neato designs, but come on wearing it everyday is fucking lame. Let's play dress up once in a while and try to look like a man with self respect.

My book is going to be a best seller, be prepared.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I really fucking hate it when girls have a birthday and they wear those retarded crowns everywhere that says "birthday girl" or "buy me a drink" or some retarded thing like that. I will not wish you a happy birthday or even acknowledge you, in fact I will go out of my way to make your birthday miserable....

oh and how come 75% of the time it's some insanely obese woman wearing it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

They have this 25 facts about yourself on facebook, and I keep getting tagged in it, I got annoyed and wrote one but am to lazy to tag people so this is what would be on facebook...

"I'm writing this because I'm bored on wrote this because you have no life"

1. I collect Pez religiously.
2. I have anxiety, ADD, and level two bipolarism (I don't take med's I deal with it myself)
3. I've had more sex with girls then you have friends
4. A perfect day is margarita pizza, vodka tonics, and best friends.
5. A lot of people call me a dick, I wouldn't disagree but if I care about you I'll go to the end of the earth for you.
6. I want to get my knuckles tattooed to say "Gods Gift"
7. I think most of humanity is disgusting.
8. I can size up a person super fast, and only a select few of my friends I let know me.
9. I don't like being home and try and get tours as fast as possible.
10. Doing tours and seeing the world has been the most rewarding thing in my life.
11. If I don't do something that I'm proud of by the time I'm 25, I'm going to commit suicide.
12. I LOVE Care Bears, and have many collectibles.
13. I want to do band again but don't know with who or what style.
14. I'm scared of exorcism movies.
15. Davey Havok is my hero.
16. I think I fell in love once but was to fucked up in the head to do anything.
17. In the past 2 weeks I received two tickets for non related traffic offenses (NYC & South Carolina)
18. I had a clothing company called Jersey Glamour way back when, but can't bring it back because of Glamour Kills.
19. I say a lot of offensive jokes but all are just jaykays and I don't care if you don't like them.
20. I want to adopt a black boy.
21. I hate myself.
22. I have a wine glass that Billie Joe Armstrong (singer of green day) drank out of, and it sits on my mantle
23. I know how to play the fool and do it way to much because then you can see the foolishness of people.
24. The only books I read are autobiographies, involving drugs, degeneracy, alcohol, addictions, sex, self hatred etc.
25. I've been in fights before and hold my own, if you do some piece of shit to me or my friends I take care of things, violence of no violence ;)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Video Update #1

Tour has been running along fairly smoothly which is good, it's just like a well oiled treadmill, jump on and keep going. Everyone gets along good and we are having some successful shows take place. We decided we are keeping hotel to a minimal because it's more fun that way, crashing with friends & meeting new people along the way it's awesome. I met the dudes in House of Fools when we stayed at their place, their new demos are sick and they are completely rad dudes.
Another highlight was after Jason ate a nice big sandwich he decided he was still hungry, on the counter was this...

Chicken Poppers what an interesting idea, it must be like pork rinds but chicken style into delicious pop-able balls. Jason being the big carnivore popped two in his mouth and while chewing turned the bag around to read the calorie count. As he notices that there is none he then notices the description. "A Tasty healthy treat for your furry friends".. Yes, Jason ate dog treats. Poor man...

We had these amazing shots called PB&J shots, it tasted exactly like Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Josh, Shane (from Valencia), and I both got $252.50 tickets in South Carolina, I think I might ignore that, having a warrant out in South Carolina is not really the end all end all...

We are in Tom's parents house right now, and I must say it is very comfortable house and I love the color of the walls.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Virginia sucks, the highlight is cheap drinks. If you live in Virginia I'm sorry.
Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever. My college roomate, "The Baron", moved to North Carolina with his boo and he is i coming to the show tomorrow, and excited is an understatement. He is one of my best friends and a stand up guy and I can't wait to see him.

I briefly for 5 minutes missed being home a little, but just because I miss waking up in the morning in my room and seeing the comforts of AFI and Green Day on my wall and my red rug which makes me happy.

This tour is a really good thing, I think it is going to be a big help in getting Houston Calls back to where they belong...

Vodka Tonic calling me!