Sunday, February 15, 2009

this is a percentage.

The breakdown of the type of people who lean on cd's or tshirts or posters that are at the merch table...

25% - fat people (mainly girls)
25% - dudes who look like they came from a Hot Topic shoot
15% - bro's with tribal tattoos, wearing shorts, somewhat high socks or really low socks with adidas shoes and at least one diamond earing
10% - the random person who came with their friend, who then ditched them and now are lonely and feel the need to rest their hand on a crisp cd case
10% - the guy/girl who you know their significant other is cheating on them
10% - the trio of 13 year old girls who got dropped off at the show and really need to be on AIM on their sidekick 3 at the show
5% - the kid who gets picked on all the time, and you feel bad for him but you know if he was in your highschool class you would make fun of him too.