Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Shout out to Grandma Joyce for giving me the best present ever, a pair of Ecko shoes.
Also shout outs to my mom for the Elvis Pez Dispenser i got and all the seasons of the office on dvd.

I got way to much cash also, let's rage.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Small Town Punk

I've been a mess and this book I just finished. It's brilliant it made me feel great. It's in the vain of Perks of Being a Wallflower. God Bless good Literature that helps you make sense of your life and have written out what you're feeling...


The past 8 days I've been an emotional mess, you should try it sometime it's a blast.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Things I will be doing over break.

I only have two papers to do and then I'm done. I will be busting them out tonight, so starting on Tuesday I can be a mess for a couple of days.

I've been working on designs to redo my clothing line "Jersey Glamour", I've been taking my time and doing everything nice and slow so the designs will be cool. This time I'll be serious about the line.

I also got trashed one night and started writing a short film. It's kind of cool, I know how to end it and things it's just a matter of writing good details and making the camera work look gnarly. Hopefully I can finish and shoot it over the break.

I'm also going to Baltimore to hang out with Keith, I haven't seen him since Warped Tour so it's going to be a blast.

and making new music is always a plus.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Blockbuster has some deal with the movie companies where when they get movies depending on rental status and all that fun stuff, after a certain time they destroy some of the movies. Meaning they are supposed to break the discs and throw them away. Obviously thats a joke and the employees take them. Most of the movies are horrendous but then there's the ones that are really good but just people didn't catch wind of so they never go rented. The other day I got a stack of 30some odd moveis, including comedy classics as Delta Farce (Larry the Cable Guy), Kickin it Old School (Jamie Kennedy), and Lets Go To Prison (that guy from punk'd)..then there were other movies that genuinly look good...I'm slowly watching them and after sitting through The Rise of Taj, soooo bad. I put on a movie called The Dead Girl.. this movie was one of the best movies I've seen in a while, come watch it with me...

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Recently I've been having people come up to me and tell me that there is some kid walking around saying he knows me and is great friends with me, so he can get into parties. He literally opens there door at a party or knocks and when they're like who are you, the response is "I'm Nick Joyce's friend". That is honestly one of the lamest things I've ever heard. If you don't know the person and you're not going to the party with someone who does don't randomly show up and say you're my friend so you can go in. That's fucking lame and actually really fucking uncool. I do not enjoy people using my name as a password in order to go have fun. It's really fucking weird.

sidenote, due to the barons birthday bash round 2, we know have a floor full of oatmeal and least it wasn't marshmellow this time.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I got a new tattoo

It reads "I know there's something out there more for me. This town just makes me hate the sky".. It means numerous things to me. I love New Jersey but don't want to get stuck in the Jersey mold where you live in the same town all your life in like the next house over. Jersey seems to have this way of sheltering everyone, everything is so tightly packed together. I want to live in New Jersey but also reside in other areas too. It's reminding me to keep my options over and do my thing aka, touring again with bands (holler warped tour) and humanitarian work. The lyrics come from one of Bleed the Dream's first songs, "Sarcastic Farewell", which me meeting them on their first tour and then becoming friends to the point where I'd always go with them and stuff around the area. This summer on Warped, Keith who is my best buddy in the band was saying how the band is over, with the new singer it just wasn't working and it's done. I got to see my friend everyday and just have great talks, fun, hang outs, and just fun stories. So part of the tattoo is reminding me to get the fuck going and be all over the world and the other part is a big memory of a great person who taught me bro

What I've Been Listening to the Past Few Weeks...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Michael Moore

This old man came into Blockbuster the other day. He came to check out a movie and says "I'm about to stop shopping here". I ask him why and he responds, "You have this fat fucks movies all over the place, a goddamn entire section dedicated to his new movie, your owner is a liberal and is trying to send his propaganda everywhere." Now I don't care what people think for or against it's cool, it's your decision. The only thing I hate is when people are just flat out ignorant about their opinions, like saying how you hate something when you've never seen it, or just being stubborn and just saying like George Bush is great because he is president and what he says is obviously true. If you believe in something and actually can back it up or have legit reasons that's great for you, whether or not I agree with you, but if you just like to spew stupid things out and have no reason why I consider you a fool...Anyways...I say to him how his new movie really isn't political for either side, it's more saying how our health care is horrendous and needs to be fixed, granted it does have somethings against bush but whatever for the most part it's trying to bring attention to our fuck ups. He informs me how it is all propaganda and that only idiots believe what he says and it's all lies. Now I've like Michael Moore since I was 13 (now 21) he made a documentary called "The Big One" it's about all these companies in America making record profits and then downsizing all their employees and moving overseas. It's a great movie just showing how these companies in America have cause so many people horrendous problems after making great profits, etc...His more recent stuff is more political but who else is really talking out about the problems. Anytime someone films a documentary you know it's their point of view and you shouldn't just believe it at face value, read up on it, do research etc. But for the most part a lot of his stuff is 100% true and raises good points. Whether you agree or not he is getting people to talk about what he is talking about so you need to applaud that...After telling him that the movie is a hit and obviously we are going to dedicate shelf space to it he calls me a young liberal who needs to get his facts straight and leaves the store... I then go to his account and put a hold on it for renting, I write 3 holds on it, these have to be taken off manually when he tries to rent... 1) Renter bounced a check.. 2) Renters credit card was declined.. 3) Renter returned 3 movies without the disc's...I also wrote a comment that pops up every time until I personally remove it with my manager code.. "Ask renter how he enjoyed Sicko (Moore's new movie).. guy sucks and is just an ignorant angry man who hasn't watched anything Michael Moore has done and just bases his opinions on what Bill O'Reilly says.... have fun renting at blockbuster you redneck...

Friday, November 9, 2007

best 12.99 investment of my life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I get really bad anxiety. Like really really bad social anxiety. It gets to the point where it's hard to function, it's not even with strangers it's with everyone. It's a struggle to leave my room or car or something. One of the weirdest feelings a person can get is standing somewhere and turning around because you can't do it, even when you know all the people there. I'm really good with it now but sometimes it flares up really bad. Everytime it happens I just try and think that people love me, I'm fun and enjoyable why be scared? It really does suck though when you want to do something but can't and choose to just sit in your room instead.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

is it bad...

that when I get drunk I really really really like to blast the village people at full volume? It just feels so right.


I've been working at Blockbuster in Ramsey for about 5 weeks now. It's so comedy. There's nothing attractive about saying you work there but whatever it's interesting, interacting, and makes me productive. There's nuts people too, like the couple that comes in either drunk or stoned and have their 5yr olds with them, or Rev Run from Run DMC who doesn't have account so he buys all movies and a 100dollars worth of candy. In my 5 weeks of work seeing as I am not a vegetable and I know my alphabet I got promoted to asssistant manager, and the one manager leaves in January and then I get promoted to manager, i just think that's comedy.
Paid off credit card bill, watch good movies, and have good laughs. The best part is we are having a managment party in two weeks at some place with a couple other stores and there is open bar, and I am invited. I don't even need to explain why this is great...

Saturday, November 3, 2007

the future...

somewhere in the amazing travels i took part in during the summer i realized what i needed to do, everything is a means to an end...
i want to do a band again, it was the best experience of my life, from starting everything, writing the first heartfelt song to ending it all outside the nice nyc.
after i graduate ramapo its pretty much whatever i want, i already know of the graduation present i am receiving which will allow me a lot of money to do what i want so i'm safe...

i have the opportunity to go on tour with legit bands when i graduate but at one pointi realizedduring the summer i really want to do humanitarian work. i either want to work for peta or go to a south american country and impact people.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

a picture adventure...

Kevin and I were bored on a Monday night, well technically tuesday morning. We looked at my trusty care bear clock...
and it read 1:12am. We looked at each other and said "gee golly lets go to the 24 hour walmart"..
kevin put on his pants and bounded down the stairs...
we got in the car and ez pass said my account was low =(..
but it didn't matter, because in a couple of minutes we arrived at an alabama man's version of heaven..

there was a lot of strange people there, even a pumpkin pie faced man!!

we got sad because baron wasn't there to see pumpkin pie man, but then we realized he is like god..he is always around....

then out of nowhere we hit a box!

but it just cause us a small delay, we then found all the tomato sause we could ever want...

kevin then stumbled upon a family size box of cheez itz. shortly after he had to change his underwear...
then found more cheese, so much we didn't know what to do!

then i realized if i didn't mind eating flesh i would live off of this...

after all that shopping we worked up quite the thirst, we decided we needed an energy drink for the road...

after realzing Steven Seagall can't make energy drinks and it tasted like V8 washed through an old shoe we unpacked our belongings and called it a night...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

when i come home..

i get to see this everyday, jealous? you should be.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


I was stopped at a light today and the car next to me had his window open, and from his car the sound of Nickelback was eminating. Now at first I thought it must be the radio, but he fixed my doubts when the track ended and as the light turned green the next Nickelback song came on. This man was pumping this band like no other, like'am. pumping. The fact that people enjoy Nickelback scares me, but the real thing that gets me is someone would be so in love with this band and so proud to listen to them they would pump it from their banging Honda Accord stero. Chad Kroger = not good.

If you are going to listen to something this bad you need to be in your house (ie your room, ie your closet) with all the doors locked, not bumping to it in a Shop Rite parking lot.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Atlantic City...

A couple of weeks ago, TS and I went to Ocean City. On the way down he texted a lady friend and said he was coming down and she should meet up at yesterdays. An hour later a weird phone number calls him and was like, this is her boyfriend you stay away from her you piece of shit, I'll fuck you up, etc. This kid had one of those wannabe tough guy italian voices when he's clearly a waste of life. When we go to Yesterdays we had some drinks and started calling, the nice boy back, Artie Elloway. He kept saying who is this blah blah, and as the mature people we are we told him it was Artie and who are you. He said he wanted to meet up and take care of matters, we told him go to the 14th street WaWa. We then decided to go to Atlantic City. Stew, TS, Rainman, and I piled into a cab and went to the Tropicana, where we met up with D-Rock. After losing alot of money and getting alot of free drinks we get rowdy and wanted to get kicked out. We found a wheelchair took it, and Rainman sit in it and become Rainman, we are horrible people I know but at the time it was classic. We would be rolling him around and he'd break things and no one would care. We then rolled him behind a guy playing slots and just left him, rainman would make all this noise and the guy just wouldn't care. Put him at a blackjack table where he disrupted the game and such. As we were trying to figure out what to do, this crackhead looking type guy came up to us and asked if we were hungry. We said yes. He then said he had a voucher for $150.00 and he wanted food but didn't want to eat alone and we should come with him. We followed him and he took us to the most expensive restraunt in the casino, the type of place where grilled cheese costs 14.95. When we sat down we all ordered Miller High Lifes, since it's the champagne of beers. The man who took us there then looked at his watch and said he had a bus to catch, but he was low on cash would we give him 10 dollars for his 150 dollar voucher, ah! it is a total scam, but being as the drunk fools we were we said sure. We ask the waiter if the paper was legit and he said he thought it was, so we said fuck it. Filled up on expensive grilled cheese and beer champagne. Rainman got angry and started throwing toast and such around. The waiter who looked like George Washington started yelling so he stopped. Then he launched another toast etc. We left there and broke a bathroom. We could not get kicked out of this casino. Go to the top floor, throw chair down 3 flights of stairs. It is now like 430am, our ride home Damian becomes MIA so we need ataxi, we decide to bring the wheel chair with us. Taxi driver pulls up:

me: "can you pop the trunk so i can put my chair in there"

taxi: "i don't know if it will fit, but you can try"

**i struggle with it for a bit, he comes out tries to help and sees it says property of tropicana on it**

taxi: "is this your or did you just use it enough and you feel entitled to it"

me: "i pretty much feel its mine"

we struggle some more give up throw it in street.

day over....

moral of the story: tropicana is impossible to get kicked out of...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


We threw a little shindig last Friday night. It was quite the night of merriness and stories. There was jugs of premade Red Bull and Vodka's and more beer then our fridge could hold, mind you this was BYOB. But I like to give my friends drinks either at my apartment or open tabs at the bar. Come 1030 our apartment was packed to the point you couldn't move and then there was 20some kids outside smoking. At one point I ventured outside and this conversation took place..
man next door: "Hey bro, there's kids smoking up here"
me: "Thanks I'll tell them to put it out or watch for security"
man next door: "no bro, i swear i smell smoke in my apartment and I don't like that smell"
me: "oh, sorry I'll get them downstairs..if you want to come over for a drink you are more than welcome to"
man next door: "no, i just don't want smoke"
then I apologized again and witnessed him tape up a sign to his door in nice big red letters, "Smoke downstairs not by me"
Now I understand he didn't want this around him which is understandable by me. But the fact is I get to smell the nice weed smell all the time and here him blast salsa music and horrendous mega mixes and never say anything. Arg.
After coming back inside I found out people were in Baron's room. Baron had distinctly said I don't want anyone in my room since I won't be here. There were two people who were in there and then more people came in, I said to them that they needed to leave the room. They then informed me that if Baron was here he wouldn't care. I said it doesn't matter, get out. they still stuck by the we'll take responsibility, he won't mind, etc deal. Sorry this is my apartment and what I say goes, you are attending a party and sitting in a room watching tv and having other people in there. not cool. finally they left after explaining to people how I am a huge prick and all that fun stuff. In my defense, yes I am a total asshole to alot of people. But 1. I've known Baron way longer. 2. You know him because of me. 3. It doesn't matter who you are. 4. It's my apartment get out and never come back.....
Bulgarian foreign exchange students somehow wound up here, they raided the fridge and stole Bob's packet of Bologna, now I'm a vegetarian so I could care less, but still. They ate the whole stack saying how they loved Salami. They then tried to take my rooster cookie jar, so classily nicknamed "nick's cock". They kept getting caught and were creepers and I had to kick out some more kids. Everyone was happy and it was a successful time and many pretty people came.
Things learned at the party:
1. Bulgarian kids love their pseudo-salami
2. Our apartment is known as the skateboard apartment
3. I'm a huge prick because I honor my roommates requests
4. Having Dillinger Escape Plan follow Party like a Rock star on a party mix just doesn't work.
5. I have some really awesome friends.

Dear man upstairs from me,

bow flexing in your apartment with all the blinds completely up isn't really that cool. You also have no neck and walk very loud. If this hurts your feelings, I apologize and you are invited to come over for a muscle milk(shake).
The Kid in the Tight Pants that you swear is a 'fag'.